Meaning of Waste in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Waste in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Image, Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

waste Noun kachra کچرا
waste barbaad karna برباد کرنا
waste tabah karna تباہ کرنا
waste pamaal karna پامال کرنا
waste zaya karna ضائع کرنا
waste talaf karna تلف کرنا


1. useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly

2. (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect

3. the trait of wasting resources

4. an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation

5. any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted

6. located in a dismal or remote area; desolate

7. waste away

8. devastate or ravage

9. cause to grow thin or weak

10. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief

11. spend extravagantly

12. use inefficiently or inappropriately

13. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing

14. run off as waste

15. get rid of

16. spend thoughtlessly; throw away


WASTE was a peer-to-peer and friend-to-friend protocol and software application developed by Justin Frankel at Nullsoft in 2003 that features instant messaging, chat rooms, and file browsing/sharing capabilities.

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