Meaning of Quill in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Quill in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image, Synonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

quill par jis ka qalam banatay hain پر جس کا قلم بناتے ہيں
quill bara par بڑا پر
quill khokhli dandi کھوکھلي ڈنڈي
quill daant kurednay ki khalal دانت کريدنے کي خلال
quill jolaye ki naal جولائے کي نال
quill bansuri بانسري
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


A quill pen is a writing implement made from a moulted flight feather (preferably a primary wing-feather) of a large bird.

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