Meaning of Cheese in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Cheese in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image, Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

cheese paneer پنير
cheese chhachh say nikala howa dahi چھاچھ سے نکالا ہوا دہي

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Cheese

Roman Urdu English اردو
Your searched word detected as urdu word: چيز
cheez ware چيز
cheese item چيز
cheez object چيز
cheez gimcrack چيز
cheez stuff چيز
cheez thing چيز
cheese materia چيز
cheese switcheroo چيز
cheez res چيز
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Cheese is a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein.

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