Meaning and Translation of Accident in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image, Synonyms, Antonyms,
accident | Noun | nagihani waqea | ناگھاني واقعہ |
accident | Noun | waardaat | واردات |
accident | Noun | haadsa | حادثہ |
accident | Noun | ghair iraadi feal | غير ارادي فعل |
accident | Noun | na guzeer haadsa | ناگزير حادثہ |
accident | Noun | sanjog | سنجوگ |
An accident, also known as an unintentional injury, is an undesirable, incidental and unplanned event that could have been prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence. |
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