Meaning of Walker in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Walker in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

walker chalnay wala چلنے والا
walker sair karnay wala سير کرنے والا
walker aji rehnay bhi dou اجي رہنے بھي دو
walker theek hai ٹھيک ہے
walker ji haan جي ہاں


1. an enclosing framework on casters or wheels; helps babies learn to walk

2. a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk

3. a shoe designed for comfortable walking

4. a person who travels by foot

5. United States writer (born in 1944)

6. New Zealand runner who in 1975 became the first person to run a mile in less that 3 minutes and 50 seconds (born in 1952)


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