Meaning of Soured in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Soured in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

sour tursh ترش
sour khatta کھٹا
sour hamiz حامض
sour khameer ki si خمير کي سي

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Sour

Roman Urdu English اردو
Your searched word detected as urdu word: سور
soor champion سور
soor hog سور
soor pig سور
soor porcine سور
soor sar سور
soor swine سور


1. having a sharp biting taste

2. the property of being acidic

3. the taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth

4. a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar

5. in an unpalatable state

6. one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons

7. smelling of fermentation or staleness

8. showing a brooding ill humor

9. inaccurate in pitch

10. go sour or spoil

11. make sour or more sour


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