Meaning and Translation of Mumtaz in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference,
mumtaz | mumtaz | ممتاز |
Roman Urdu | English | اردو |
mumtaz | ace | ممتاز |
mumtaz | notable | ممتاز |
mumtaz | noted | ممتاز |
mumtaz | outspreading | ممتاز |
mumtaz | outstanding | ممتاز |
mumtaz | palmary | ممتاز |
mumtaz | pre-eminent | ممتاز |
mumtaz | elevated | ممتاز |
mumtaz | eminent | ممتاز |
mumtaz | excelsior | ممتاز |
mumtaz | palmary | ممتاز |
mumtaz | signal | ممتاز |
mumtaz | adavanced | ممتاز |
mumtaz | advanced | ممتاز |
mumtaz | preeminence | ممتاز |
mumtaz | preeminent | ممتاز |
mumtaz | mumtaz | ممتاز |
mumtaz | remarkable | ممتاز |
mumtaz | renown | ممتاز |
mumtaz | central | ممتاز |
mumtaz | honoured | ممتاز |
mumtaz عربي male ممتاز عادل رتبہ - بلند وبالا - برتر - بلند مرتبہ |
mumtaz عربي female ممتاز بلند و بالا - شريف - نامور - اعل?ي - ارفع - امتيازي حيثيت |
Mumtaz (Arabic: ممتاز) is a name commonly used in various countries in the Muslim world, mainly Afghanistan, Brunei, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey, it can also be used as a female name. |
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