Meaning of Whammy in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Whammy in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

whammy Noun نحوسَت

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Whammy

Roman Urdu English اردو
Your searched word detected as urdu word: وہمي
wehmi ideal وہمي
wehmi fabulous وہمي
wehmi faddist وہمي
wehmi fanciful وہمي
wehmi fantastic وہمي
wehmi fantastical وہمي
wehmi phantasmal وہمي
wehmi pyrrhonist وہمي
wehmi unassured وہمي
whammy hallucinant وہمي
wehmi freakish وہمي
wehmi superstitious وہمي
whammy dereistic وہمي
wehmi moody وہمي
wehmi scrupulous وہمي
wehmi bogeyman وہمي
wehmi flighty وہمي
wehmi capricious وہمي
wehmi chimerical وہمي
wehmi schematic وہمي
wehmi unreal وہمي
wehmi viewy وہمي
wehmi visionary وہمي
wehmi apparitional وہمي
whammy delusional وہمي
whammy delusions وہمي
wehmi distrustful وہمي
whammy hallucinative وہمي
wehmi eerie وہمي
wehmi notional وہمي
wehmi sceptic وہمي
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