Meaning and Translation of Potluck in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image,
potluck | Noun | دال دَلِيَہ | |
potluck | Noun | ماحضَر | |
potluck | Noun | جو کُچھ ايک بَرتن ميں ہو | |
potluck | Noun | طَعام |
A potluck is a gathering where each guest contributes a dish of food, often homemade, to be shared. Synonyms include: potluck dinner, spread, Jacob's join, Jacob's supper, faith supper, covered dish supper, dish party, bring and share, shared lunch, pitch-in, bring-a-plate, dish-to-pass, fuddle, and carry-in. |
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