Meaning and Translation of Gremlin in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image,
gremlin | Noun | گريملن | |
gremlin | Noun | کوئي ناقابلِ وضاحَت اِنتشاري اثَر | |
gremlin | Noun | ايک فَرضي بَدرُوح جِس کا اوّلين تذکَرہ دُوسري جَنگِ عظيم ميں ہوا بازوں نے ميکانکي دُشواريوں کے سِلسِلے ميں کيا |
A gremlin is a creature commonly depicted as mischievous and mechanically oriented, with a specific interest in aircraft. |
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