Meaning and Translation of Xenodiagnosis in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference,
xenodiagnosis | Noun | (عِلمِ ادوِيَہ) جَراثيم سے پاک کِسي حَشرے يا جانوَر کو جَراثيم آلُودَہ خوراک کھِلا کَر يہ پَڑتال کَرنا کہ اس ميں جَراثيم آلُودگي يا مَرض تو پيدا نَہيں ہو گَيا |
Xenodiagnosis is a diagnostic method used to document the presence of infectious disease microorganisms or pathogens by exposing possibly infected tissue to a vector and then examining the vector for the presence of the microorganisms or pathogens it may have ingested. |
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