Meaning of Xenodiagnosis in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Xenodiagnosis in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

xenodiagnosis Noun (عِلمِ ادوِيَہ) جَراثيم سے پاک کِسي حَشرے يا جانوَر کو جَراثيم آلُودَہ خوراک کھِلا کَر يہ پَڑتال کَرنا کہ اس ميں جَراثيم آلُودگي يا مَرض تو پيدا نَہيں ہو گَيا
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Xenodiagnosis is a diagnostic method used to document the presence of infectious disease microorganisms or pathogens by exposing possibly infected tissue to a vector and then examining the vector for the presence of the microorganisms or pathogens it may have ingested.

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