Meaning of Tanha in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Tanha in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with

Urdu Meaning or Translation

tanha Noun زندہ رہنے کی شدید خواہش

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Tanha

Roman Urdu English اردو
tanha fareeda تنہا
tanha alone تنہا
tanha lonely تنہا
tanha rest تنہا
tanha lone تنہا
tanha coy تنہا
tanha sequestered تنہا
tanha solitary تنہا
tanha unaccompanied تنہا
tanha unattended تنہا
tanha monadic تنہا
tanha azygously تنہا
tanha secluded تنہا
tanha solely تنہا
tanha friendless تنہا
tanha abeigh تنہا
tanha aidless تنہا
tanha allenarly تنہا
tanha deavely تنہا
tanha sole. تنہا
tanha cloistral تنہا
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