Meaning of Punctuation in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Punctuation in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Wikipedia Reference,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

punctuation thehrao ٹھہراؤ
punctuation waqfa وقفہ


1. the use of certain marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences and clauses and phrases

2. the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases

3. something that makes repeated and regular interruptions or divisions


Punctuation is "the use of spacing, conventional signs, and certain typographical devices as aids to the understanding and the correct reading, both silently and aloud, of handwritten and printed texts." Another description is: "The practice, action, or system of inserting points or other small marks into texts, in order to aid interpretation; division of text into sentences, clauses, etc., by means of such marks."

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