Meaning of Man In The Dark (novel) in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Man In The Dark (novel) in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

Short Information in Urdu

Man in the Dark (novel)

من ان تھے ڈارک ( ناول ) - ایک ناول ہے

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Man in the Dark is a novel by Paul Auster published in August 2008. Its topic is a dystopian scenario of the present-day United States being torn apart by a new secession and civil war after the presidential elections of 2000. (The fictional division between the secessionist and loyal states is very similar to the "Jesusland" map.) This is told within a frame narrative of an aging journalist reflecting on his family and the death of his wife.

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