Meaning of Goombah in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Goombah in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

goombah Noun گُوم باہ ايک ايسوسي ايٹ سرغنا ساتھي( خاص طور پر مجرم گروہ کا ايک تجربہ کار رکن) قريبي دوست ايک خفيہ بنيادي طور پر اطالوي نژاد امريکي جرم تنظيم کا رکن ايک مجرمانہ تنظيم کا رکن
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Goombah (also spelled as Goomba, Goombah, Gumba, Gumbah) is a slang term referring to people of Italian descent, mainly in the US, with several related connotations.

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