Meaning of Funicular in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Funicular in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

funicular Adjective ريسماني
funicular Adjective حَبلي
funicular Adjective رسّي کا
funicular Adjective رسّي سے مُتعلّق
funicular Adjective تُخَم ڈنڈي کا
funicular Adjective تار کے تناؤ پَر مُنحَصَّر
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


A funicular (/fᵿˈnɪkjᵿlər/), also known as an inclined plane or cliff railway, is a cable railway in which a cable attached to a pair of tram-like vehicles on rails moves them up and down a steep slope, the ascending and descending vehicles counterbalancing each other.

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