Meaning and Translation of Breeder Reactor in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Wikipedia Reference, Image,
breeder reactor | نیوکلیائی تعامل گر جو اس سے بھی زیادہ بھڑکنے والا مادّہ پیدا کرسکتا ہے جتناکہ صرف کرتا ہے۔ |
A breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor that generates more fissile material than it consumes. These devices achieve this because their neutron economy is high enough to breed more fissile fuel than they use from fertile material, such as uranium-238 or thorium-232. Breeders were at first found attractive because their fuel economy was better than light water reactors, but interest declined after the 1960s as more uranium reserves were found, and new methods of uranium enrichment reduced fuel costs. |
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