Meaning of The Turn Of The Screw (2009 Film) in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of The Turn Of The Screw (2009 Film) in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference, Image,

Short Information in Urdu

The Turn of the Screw (2009 film)

تھے ٹرن آف تھے اسکريو ( 2009ء فلم ) - ایک برطانوی ٹیلی ویژن کی فلم ہے

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


The Turn of the Screw (also known as Ghost Story: The Turn of the Screw) is a British television film based on Henry James's 1898 ghost story of the same name.

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The Turn of the Screw (2009 film)
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