Meaning and Translation of Taher in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,
Roman Urdu | English | اردو |
Your searched word detected as urdu word: طاہر | ||
tahir | clean | طاہر |
tahir | conspicuous | طاہر |
tahir عربي male طاہر پاكيزہ - صاف - پاك - تحريك منہاج القرآن كے سربراہ علامہ پروفيسر ڈاكٹر محمد طاہرالقادري |
Taher | طاہر - صنعتی علاقہ |
Suburbs of Canberra | Sachin, Gujarat |
Shahpurabad Industrial Area | Naini |
Puthuvype | Space Station Processing Facility |
Taher (Arabic: الطاهير, Al-Tahir; Algerian Arabic: أطًهير), is Algerian city, the industrial center of Jijel Province, with its industrial area of Ouled Salah, the airport of Achouat-Ferhat Abbas and the port of Djen Djen. |
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