Meaning and Translation of Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider Man in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,
Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man | سپرمين وزسز دی امیزنگ اسپائیڈر میں - ایک مزاحیہ کتاب ہے |
Superman: Last Son of Earth | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen |
Dogs of War (comics) | That Wilkin Boy |
Batman versus Predator | Crawl To Me |
Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man: The Battle of the Century is a comic book jointly published by Marvel Comics and DC Comics in 1976. It was the second crossover between DC Comics and Marvel following their collaboration on MGM's Marvelous Wizard of Oz, and the first modern superhero cross-company crossover. |
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