Meaning of Maximilien De Furstenberg in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Maximilien De Furstenberg in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

Short Information in Urdu

Maximilien de Furstenberg

maximilien دے furstenberg - رومن کیتھولک چرچ کے ایک کارڈنل تھا

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Maximilien Louis Hubert Egon Vincent Marie Joseph, Freiherr (Baron) von Fürstenberg-Stammheim also Maximilian Kardinal von Fürstenberg (23 October 1904 – 22 September 1988) was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.

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