Meaning of Mangetar in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Mangetar in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Mangetar

Roman Urdu English اردو
mangetar fiance منگيتر
mangetar fiancee منگيتر
mangetar inteded منگيتر
mangetar betrothed منگيتر

Short Information in Urdu


منگيتر - ایک البم ہے

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Mangetar, meaning fiancé, is an album by Pakistani singer Imran Shaukat. It was very popular as in the video it showed a 'Mangetar' from Pakistan based on a true story it is about a man called raja mushtaq not being treated fairly by his wife and her family whom he married and came to the country for.

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