Meaning of Magroor in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Magroor in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Magroor

Roman Urdu English اردو
Your searched word detected as urdu word: مغرور
maghroor imperious مغرور
maghroor chesty مغرور
maghroor biggety مغرور
maghroor snooty مغرور
maghroor conceited مغرور
maghroor contemptuous مغرور
maghroor haughty مغرور
maghroor highandmighty مغرور
maghroor overween مغرور
maghroor overweening مغرور
maghroor uppish مغرور
maghroor tinhorn مغرور
maghroor uppity مغرور
maghroor dicty مغرور
maghroor assuming مغرور
maghroor turkeycock مغرور
magroor toffee-nosed مغرور
maghroor surley مغرور
maghroor orgulous مغرور
maghroor lofty مغرور
maghroor thrasonical مغرور
maghroor abient مغرور
maghroor presumptuous مغرور
maghroor proud مغرور
maghroor stiffnecked مغرور
maghroor pridefull مغرور

Short Information in Urdu


مغرور - ایک بالی وڈ فلم ہے

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Magroor is a 1979 Bollywood film directed by Brij. It stars Shatrughan Sinha and Vidya Sinha.

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