Meaning of Islah in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Islah in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

English Meaning of Roman-Urdu Word Islah

Roman Urdu English اردو
Your searched word detected as urdu word: اصلاح
islaah betterment اصلاح
islaah regenesis اصلاح
islaah improvement اصلاح
islaah instruction اصلاح
islaah reclamation اصلاح
islaah rectification اصلاح
islaah emendment اصلاح
islaah customization اصلاح
islaah amelioration اصلاح
islaah amendment اصلاح
islah epithesis اصلاح
islaah retrieval اصلاح
islaah revision اصلاح
islaah bettermem اصلاح
islaah re-examination اصلاح
islaah melioration اصلاح
islaah reform اصلاح
islaah shaveing اصلاح
islah shake-out اصلاح

Name Meaning and Origin





درستگي - تصيح - ہاکي کے مشہور پاکستاني کھلاڑي اصلاح الدين

Short Information in Urdu


اصلاح - ایک عربی لفظ ہے

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Islah or Al-Islah (ألإصلاح ,إصلاح, al-ʾIṣlāḥ) is an Arabic word usually translated as "reform", in the sense of "to improve, to better, or to put something into a better position." It is used in religion and politics (including as a name for political parties), and is also used as a personal and place name.

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