Meaning of Daud Arsala in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Daud Arsala in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference,

Short Information in Urdu

Daud Arsala

ڈائوڈ ارسلہ - ايک افغان سياست دان ہے

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Daud Arsala ( داود ارسلاه ) (born 7 May 1965) is an Afghan politician, who ran for the Afghan parliamentarian election in 2005. He was a chief campaigner of Hamid Karzia's presidential election in N.W.F.P in 2004. He and his party workers were warned many times by other political groups and Talibans in Nangarhar and some of his party's political activists were killed after the parliamentarian elections in 2005 and all allegations were on Hazrat Ali and Taliban.

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