Meaning of Crimean Tatars in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Crimean Tatars in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference, Image,

Short Information in Urdu

Crimean Tatars

crimean tatars - ایک ترک نسلی گروہ ہیں

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Crimean Tatars (Crimean Tatar: qırımtatarlar or qırım, qırımlı, Turkish: Kırım Tatarlar or Kırım, Kırımlı, Russian: крымские татары, Ukrainian: кримськi татари, кримці) are a Turkic ethnic group that formed in the Crimean Peninsula in the 13th–17th centuries, primarily from the Turkic tribes that moved to the land that is now known as Crimea in Eastern Europe from the Asian steppes beginning in the 10th century, with contributions from the pre-Cuman population of Crimea.

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Crimean Tatars

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