Meaning of An Nasir Hasan in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of An Nasir Hasan in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Wikipedia Reference,

Short Information in Urdu

An-Nasir Hasan

اين - ناصر حسن - مصر کے مملوک سلطان تھے


An-Nasir Badr ad-Din Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Qalawun (1334/35–17 March 1361), better known as an-Nasir Hasan, was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt, and the seventh son of an-Nasir Muhammad to hold office, reigning twice in 1347–1351 and 1354–1361. During his first reign, which he began at age 12, senior Mamluk emirs formerly belonging to an-Nasir Muhammad, dominated his administration, while an-Nasir Hasan played a ceremonial role.

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